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Medical alert about a highly dangerous virus called "Weekly Overload Recreational Killer" (WORK).
If you come in contact with this WORK VIRUS, you should immediately go to the nearest "Biological Anxiety Relief" (BAR) centre to take antidotes known as 

"Work Isolating Neutralizer Extract" (WINE), 
"Radioactive UnWORK Medicine"(RUM), 
"Bothersome Employer Elimination Rebooter"(BEER), 
"Vaccino Officio Depression Killing Antigen"(VODKA). 

Choice is yours!

How to get a promotion
How to get a promotion 

It was the days of the Old West when an Indian It was the days of the Old West when an Indian
It was the days of the Old West when an Indian walks into a cafe with a shotgun in one hand, pulling a male buffalo with the other. He says to the counter guy, "Want coffee." 

"Coming right up," is the reply, and he gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee. The Indian drinks the coffee down in one gulp, turns and blasts the buffalo with the shotgun, causing parts of the animal to splatter everywhere, tosses down a coin for the coffee, and walks out.... 

The next morning the Indian returns. He has his shotgun in one hand pulling another male buffalo with the other. He walks up to the counter and says again, "Want coffee." This time the guy is ready. "Whoa there, fella!" he says. "We're still cleaning up your mess from yesterday! What was all that about, anyway?" 

The Indian smiles and proudly says, "Training for upper management position." 

Not surprisingly, "Huh?" came the reply. 

"Yuh," he says. "Come in, drink coffee, shoot the bull, leave mess for others to clean up, disappear for rest of day." 

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how modern Management Theory began.

The Cute Secretary came angrily out of boss cabin.
The Cute Secretary came angrily out of boss cabin.. 

Here friend asked what happened? 

Secretary: He asked are you free tonight?? 

I said ya... and that rascal gave me 50 pages to type!

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